Rota is cute. The Hus and I spent yesterday walking around, looking into a church, a baby castle and out to the beach (it was very windy,
someone insisted we should walk out onto the sea wall and I got beach-hair (sand, salt, water) in a dreadful way). We got some cute pictures and tried to be artsy with them. You can be the judges when we return and post photos.
Our shoes (and my boots) are showing their trustworthiness or lack thereof. Yesterday we put them through 7 or so miles of use and have picked our favorites (out of two pairs each) to walk in. In related news, we just rented a car for the week, so yay for our tootsies. We'll still do cities on foot, but it makes things easier. And get this. Seven days. One week's rental for $200.
Dollars. Not even euros. And if we bring it back sooner, we only pay for the days we use it. I love you, NEX car rental. I really do.
'Don Juan', our little blue rental car, is very cute and has excellent gas mileage. He is manual with automatic windows and a cigarette plug for our GPS to charge. We like him.
Last night we went to Las Tinajas, a local restaurant, on recommendation of the base CO's wife. We had a tapas-type meal, including toasted bread with Roquefort cheese and Patatas with varied sauces. Our main dish was Brocheta de la Casa - one large kabob with pork, red pepper, chorizo and onions. It was so very Spanish and so very delicious. They also had fresh local olives (little green ones with pits) that I ate all by myself, as the Hus is not a huge olive fan. I didn't complain.
One of our waiters looked like a Spanish version of Ross from friends. We wanted a picture of him, but didn't want to make him feel bad. He was so awkwardly lovable. When Ross brought us little shot glasses of amber liquid, he tried to explain something in Spanish. Our dumbfounded expressions didn't change, so he mimed sipping from the glasses and said, "Dulce". Okay, I nodded, we'll sip it and enjoy the sweetness (unlike the other table of Americans who had taken their's like shots). It was yummy. When I asked what it was, he said something from across the room that sounded like "romil". I want more, but no one seems to know what I'm talking about when I ask.
Also, on base there are herds of rabbits. I didn't know they came in herds, but apparently Spanish rabbits do. It's fun walking back to our room at night and seeing the outlined sillouettes with long ears against the lighted hotel. So far, they are not interested in meeting me or letting me pet them. In that way, they are very much like American rabbits.
Tonight, the Hus and I will spend some more time in Rota and tomorrow, we're off and away. We have no plan yet (so far that has worked out well for us), but we have a rental car, a GPS, maps and lots of guide books. We have about thirty words of Spanish between us and semi-proficient, albeit useless, German. However, armed with my new boots and some euros, I think we'll do just fine.
Mom, we're going to Seville, where the biggest cathedral in the world awaits us. I'll take pictures.
Let's hope we can find a couple cheap internet cafes on the way - I'm using the blog as my journal to remember things :).
The Hus and I are hungry. Tapas and Cruzcampos, here we come.