Sunday, August 23, 2009

Oh, Henry!

New pictures from the breeder. I can't believe we get to have him in less than two weeks. Isn't he the cutest little piece of angel food cake you've ever seen?
Unfortunately some of the pictures included this shirtless boy, but Henry was so cute, I had to include them.
He is officially, "Oh Henry", but let your mind conjure images of O. Henry as well. He has the same blocky head as our little guy, so he must be English. Plus he wrote The Gift of the Magi, one of the best short stories of all time.
I love him. I'm pretty sure he can't wait to come home and chew up all of our stuff.



Sarah said...

Also, The Lady or the Tiger, which drove me crazy in 6th grade. Love the name! I kind of already thought you were going for O. Henry, haha.

Bailey said...

Sarah G.
So excited you are getting a puppy! He looks precious! How about that shirtless he for sale?

Megan said...

Oh Becky! Oh Henry! is so cute. are you sure its a boy? I'd like it to reproduce. I miss you lots.

marigirl said...

angel food cake is a good description of how cute he is. and that pic with the kid...doesn't that look like an awkward movie poster? ha ha