Friday, January 9, 2009

The Hus Will Fly Helicopters

Hurray! The Hus got his first choice - he will begin helicopter training in April!

These are the Hus' flight boots, which he (proudly) never once shined during Primary Training:

This the book that kept me excited through primary... I got to highlight each flight or sim as the Hus completed them. It made it seems less interminable. Here I am checking the last ones off:


So. No more Primary. On to checking off the little blocks for helos.

Shall we be in a new home next Christmas? I put away the decorations today... I hope I don't take them out again in Pensacola... Jacksonville? San Diego? Who wants our Christmas?

1 comment:

Heather Nicole said...

or norfolk?

congratulations!!!! I'm super excited for you...and for me! I hope our hus's careers bring us together in years to come--maybe even next christmas :) what a happy thought!