Monday, June 15, 2009

Summertime Necessitates...

1. Fresh (mostly) Berries ... freshly-picked blueberries and farmer's market blackberries pair nicely with frozen raspberries when marinated in Chambord (or, like me, you can use a cheaper version of the famous French liqeur) and dolloped on Vanilla Bean ice cream. I don't usually go crazy over ice cream dishes, but this makes me weak in the knees and the Hus and I have had it two nights in a row (and this morning over yogurt... don't judge...). I got this recipe from another military wife down here, who keeps a bunch of the marinating berries in her fridge for a quick dessert. It's very easy and though, as the Hus points out, it isn't fat-free, it IS chock-full of antioxidants and if you use vanilla bean, then no artificial flavors are involved. Plus who cares? It's amazing delicious.

2. Good Lovin' Music in Sleeping at Last, favorite background music for sweet sweet lovin'. (By which I mean kissing, of course.) If you want to listen to/download them for free, check out noisetrade, a website where you can download music free (and legally) for entering 5 friends' emails. (I use old email accounts of mine and the Hus' when I want free things, but don't want to bother the friends.)

3. Flowers
...Yellow Iris for mom using oil pastels from mom. Unless she would rather have a watercolour?

I do enjoy the tangy taste of fresh yogurt, but only for the first three bites. Since more than three bites of all natural, low fat yogurt are really needed every so often, mixing with the above berries is effective and only slightly suspect.

1 comment:

Megan said...

ooo I love the berries idea in liquor. We don't have fresh blueberries like you do though.

I stinkin' love your paintings! I want a hibiscus! With tropical leaves in the background! You must market your skills in some way, paintings, pillows, duck tape dresses, good grief the list goes on....