There is no rest for the weary.
(I'm talking about me.)
So this morning, while his just-got-back-from-a-month-long-work-up Dad was on the ship, making sure fire doesn't destroy the helo (or something like that), Nate and I skipped church and were playing at the coffee table. He's just learning to pull himself up and it's a lot of exercise for the both of us while he figures it out.
Nathan has Go-go-gadget arms. Their reach is longer than their length.
I had moved most everything out of his way.
Perhaps a half hour before all this, I'd seen a tiny (TINY) spider crawling on the coffee table and debated killing it. Why should I? It was too small to bite anybody and I kill every other spider, so why not leave one? Anyway, I smooshed it with a tiny-spider-sized scrap of paper.
You can see where this is going.
In one of his various chin-ups, he landed on the floor and started fussing. When I picked him up, I realized he had a tiny-spider-sized scrap of paper in his mouth. I pulled the sopping piece out and looked for the smooshed spider, which was, of course, missing.
So Nathan ate a spider today.
Unfortunately, it seems to have had no positive homeopathic effects on his teething pain.
Maybe crickets?
When I was a wee little girl, I was climbing a tree and hanging upside down from this perfectly horizontal branch when a big black spider fell into my mouth and down my throat. It was the worst experience ever and I contribute my hatred of spiders to it. PS Let none survive.
Poor Nathan! He'll probably go way beyond the statistic of eating about "8 spiders in your lifetime." I can't even think about this.
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