Tuesday, February 9, 2010

If Only it Would Break Back Into the Seventies, Then I Would Make Sense...

January 24th was National Peanut Butter Day and I missed it! I only figured it out because I was eating peanut butter (crunchy) on bread and thought, "I love peanut butter... I wonder who invented it... I would like to put flowers on the grave of whoever invented peanut butter..."
So I wikipedia-ed it and discovered that there are a bunch of people with patents and associations to peanut-paste and nut-butter and all kinds of things. It was confusing. But I did learn that China is a big peanut butter exporter, which seems wrong.

So the flowers will go on my kitchen table, instead.

I did some more research and decided this would be an acceptable arrangement to honor peanut butter on my kitchen table:

( http://www.andreasverheijen.com/category/events/ )


Megan said...

Oh wow that simply screams peanut butter!

And hilariously agreed, China and peanut butter is wrong.

marigirl said...

didn't George Washington Carver invent peanut butter in Georgia? Or is that a myth??? :) Yes, Chinese peanuts are surprising, but at least we're getting something in return for all those plump chicken feet we send them, right?

Bek said...

I thought GW Carver invented it, too, but look at wikipedia. A bunch of people seem to have separately invented it, which is annoying.

Sarah said...

Did you know that Dothan, AL (where we were just posted) produces over 50% of the world's peanuts within a 25 mile radius? They celebrate this each year at the National Peanut Festival. Yes, I attended. Did I learn interesting things about peanuts? No, but I did see my fair share of mullets and fanny packs...